Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Crime and No Punishment

Crime and No Punishment


A speeding SUV snuffed out the lives of 9 innocent children in broad daylight on a Saturday afternoon. An act of murderous madness destroyed the lifeblood of these poor families. 

Will we ever be able to wipe their tears? Because, they have dried. Will we ever be able to wipe their tears? Because they refuse to stop. Staring fixedly at nothing, mirroring they have nothing more to look forward to, having just lost their little darlings, crushed under the wheels of a power drunk coward who fled the scene unaware of the ton of guilt he carried as he did so. They have nothing more to lose! If this does not make your blood boil, one wonders what else will.

These poor families already reeling under economic bankruptcy are now burdened by having to cope with emotional bankruptcy, what with their dreams shattered. Life is so cruel.

Do we have any right to call ourselves a civilized society? Whose crime is greater - that of a rogue, arrogant murderer or the deliberate delay by the powers that be in nabbing him? Narendra Modi is known for his unconventional acts. Supreme Court has often faced criticism for its ‘activism’. If ever there is time for unconventional act, it is this. If ever there is circumstance that demands ‘suo-moto’ action by the SC, it is this. Teach these rogue elements a lesson which they will never forget. Teach them a lesson which will deter the rest. It is the least that the citizens expect.


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