Friday, January 20, 2017

Beefcase & Briefcase

“Stop passing the buck. Rise above petty politics. See the bigger picture. Just do it”
Funny and Punny chatted along. Funny sought a ‘brief’ from Punny on a ‘case’.
Punny: The security needs to be ‘beefed’ up (having  hearing problem P mistook ‘brief’ for ‘beef’)
Funny: I asked for a ‘brief’ on the case. If it doesn’t ‘suit’ you, i’ll ‘boot’ you, mind it
P: Healthcare badly needs a ‘beef’ up
F: if you are not giving me the ‘brief’, you will come to grief
P:It’s so ‘Irani’cal – our education system. It needs to be ‘beefed’ up
F: You are barking up the wrong ‘beef’
P: Control your line, ‘beef’ up the border
F: Ok, let’s have a ‘brief’ on the ‘colored’ money
P:It’s the money, honey. When it comes to money, black or white – we are color-neutral!
F: you are finally coming to your senses
P: You are singing the same old ‘RaGa’ tune, ‘modi’fy it with bit of dy’NaMo’
F: So you are not coming out with any ‘brief’ on any of the cases
P: Let me put a lid on the ‘beef’ and bring in the ‘brief’case you seem to be obsessed with
F&P then summed up:’for every suitcase, there is a briefcase’. And now an add-on:a ‘beef’case
Even as the debate – noisy and nasty – continues to rage consuming the ‘prime time’ of the Funnys and Punnys and that of the aam admis leaving them ever so confused, the netas are busy as ever taking the nation for a ride. From ‘suitcase to briefcase to beefcase’, the netas turn ‘cow’ard and continue to ‘slaughter’ the people’s legitimate aspirations, making mince’meat’ of their – by now fast fading – hopes for ‘ache din’!
“Stop passing the buck. Rise above petty politics. See the bigger picture. Just do it”

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