Sunday, January 28, 2018



Love and affection – unconditional and abundant – alone will make the world a better place. The joy of giving is immense. More so when it is done without ever making the recipient feel even remotely obligated. But the question is whether the mind can conquer the feeling of achievement?  The moment it carries a price tag or is qualified, the essence of love and affection is lost. As long as there is no ulterior motive or desire in parting with possessions, the joy of giving is true in every sense.     

Humanity and humility define person’s character. The combined force of these priceless elements will have transformational effect on living kind. These priceless elements are conspicuous by their absence. They appear and disappear just as quickly. Convenience takes precedence over prudence. The comfort of convenience makes it very difficult for the mind to embrace these priceless elements at all times in life.

Concern and compassion for the known and unknown neighbours, fellow beings provide a feeling security. Their profoundness replaces turbulence with tranquillity which is so essential in one’s daily life. They bring soberness in our culture and attitude. They help create an atmosphere of cheer and joy. The bondage among society becomes even stronger. The feeling of brotherhood and belonging bring tremendous changes in the way we live.

Forgive and forget are yet another set of traits that bring transformational changes in our daily life. The power of these words is phenomenal. Our mind is conditioned to remember almost anything and everything. Just as good memory comes to our rescue, forgetfulness helps us no less. A conscious effort to forget is the first step towards forgiving. The need for cultivating a culture of ‘forgive and forget’ has become very relevant like never before.

Care and share as a tenet needs to be enthusiastically embraced. The poor, the impoverished are a glaring example of how extremely incongruous is the distribution of resources and wealth. Their disproportionate  concentration among very few is a serious imbalance that needs immediate correction. Just share them. If someone deserves ‘unfair advantage’, it is the lesser mortals. Care presupposes share. Both are inseparable. Time now to care and share abundantly.

Where the mind is filled with love and affection, concern and compassion, humanity and humility, that are both abundant and unqualified, world would then witness social harmony. Discovery of the joy of giving, caring and sharing, the art of forgiving and forgetting would perhaps lead to peaceful existence. A deep analysis of these life-lessons will lead to an enlightened mind which will then be capable of recognising their intrinsic value. The journey called life will then be more meaningful.

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