Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Deals Are Forever


Funny: Back then, there was a ‘new-clear-deal’

Punny: Oh, yes, that was when every Man, Mohan and Sing was singing ‘sing is king’

F: In an ‘august’ chill, an ‘august’ gathering sat in a ‘land’ facing ‘west’ and struck a deal

P: They had hopes of hopping around in the chopper

F: The deal had an ‘italian’ angle to it

P: Explain

F: A close look will tell you words written in ‘italics’ are always slanted \ at an angle

P: Call it an ‘italian’ angle

F: Or an ‘italian’ angel

P: Let’s be fair, it is an ‘italian angle’ with the grace of an ‘italian angel’!

F: For ‘Christ’s sake, don’t make a ‘hash’ of this deal in the ‘middle’ of all these ‘men’

P: Because, we are ‘So-nea’ to the deal

F: You mean ‘so near’

P: Ah!’med’iated for the deal, deserves a ‘pat’

F: It’s his SP

P: Now what is that?

F: Selling Point, sometimes unique

P: Add to it a good Track record

F: Let’s keep it short, SPT for Selling Point Trackrecord

P: You are good at acronym

F: Let us not be so acrimonious about this acronym called SPT lest we ‘court’ trouble

P: If it comes to that – ‘court’ trouble – it will take centuries, during which time we would all be ‘hopping’ around

F: But it is Italy, not India

P: You mean they could ‘kick’ us ‘back’

F: Yes, with all the ‘kicks’ that we got on our ‘back’

P: Then, let’s call off the deal

F: Deal or no deal, deal is a deal is a deal

P:For now it is a deal that there was never a deal and let every TV in New Delhi rage and rant about the deal, but the ‘buck won’t stop’

F: Whether it is an ‘italian-delight’ or a ‘desi-dealite’, it is ‘time-now’ to ‘pay-back!!