Thursday, February 2, 2017

AK-56 Versus AK-47

Funny: For once, all political parties backed the army action and displayed exemplary solidarity with their ‘nation above all’ stand
Punny: Hold it, opposition seems to have realized that popularity level of the ruling party might soar and are extremely ‘surgical’ in producing a narrative which runs counter to their earlier stand
F: Maybe they discovered a ‘modi’fied version of terror!
P: Precisely, otherwise how does one explain a certain leader from congress to digress from party line to seek ‘proof’ of surgical strikes!
F: And then you have the AAP leader demanding that video footage of the ‘surgical strike’ be released. Crazy
P: Can’t get crazier, Kejri
F: More threatened by  ‘AK-56’ than AK-47!
P: What with ‘UP’coming elections, no wonder they felt the need to ‘modi’fy their strategy with ‘surgical’ precision!
F: Understandably so. The opposition found themselves in a catch-22 situation. i.e., ‘to praise or not to praise’
P: But then you can’t praise too much lest it affect politically. Neither can you be economical in ‘praising’
F: Opposition parties found themselves with ‘hobson’s choice’
P: Outcome of their choice would fetch results contrary to their expectations
Whether the debate will ever abate, only ‘time(now)’ will tell! Nation above all. Period.

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